If ever there was a time for moms to realize we are in a spiritual battle, it is now. We are being bombarded on all sides with a culture that is openly opposed to everything that the Bible says is true and good and beautiful. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we are not fighting this battle alone and Heidi St. John is coming along beside us to encourage us as we take up our armor and fight for the very souls of our children. Her new book, Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That’s in You for Your Family and Your Faith, is now available and I’ve been blessed to read it along with a group of other moms.

In the introduction, Heidi gives a call to action, a mission to raise the next generation of leaders. These children will grow up to be parents themselves, so we are also training up the next generation of parents. Talk about a high calling! I can think of no other job as important as being a mom.

Next, we are led to the ultimate parenting manual – the Word of God. Everything we need to be the mom our kids need is included in the Bible. When we pray for wisdom, God is faithful to give us what we need. Since we are in a battle, it only makes sense to put on our armor, and that is found by reading scriptures and praying every day.

Throughout the book, Heidi tells stories from her own parenting journey. I so appreciate her honesty because sometimes we get caught up in the Pinterest-perfect lives of other moms and think we will never be able to measure up. The truth is, those perfect pictures are just snapshots of a moment in time. Motherhood is messy, there’s just no denying it.

At the end of each chapter, Heidi talks directly to the heart of moms. She gives us prayer points to consider as we study God’s Word on our journey to Becoming MomStrong. By the time I got to the end of the book, I felt empowered to keep on trying to be a better mom. The days are indeed long, but the years are short and I’m determined to do my very best to raise my boys to be men after God’s own heart.

In addition to the book, Heidi has written a six-week Bible study that accompanies Becoming MomStrong, and a journal that includes more encouragement for moms.

(Thanks to Tyndale for a copy of the book to review.)